World Cup 2018 is in full effect and we will likely see many ankle sprains, or at least players rolling on the ground in pain grasping at their ankle.

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries in sports, with sprains to the outside of the ankle (lateral ankle sprain) being the most prevalent.  These can occur when the ankle rolls while the foot is pointed down and turned in, such as when changing direction, landing on another’s players foot, or stepping in a hole while mowing the lawn, causing some degree of tearing to the ligaments.   There are varying degrees of lateral ankle sprains so a medical consult may be necessary.

Swelling on the outside of ankle, pain, and bruising into the foot are hallmarks of this injury.  With fracture ruled out, it is important to bear weight on the injured limb and perform gentle, pain-free ankle movement. Initially, use the acronym RICE:

Rest: don’t do activities that may re-injure (sports, running, jumping cutting)
Ice: 15 min every 2 hours x 48 hours
Compress: use compression wrap or tape to reduce swelling
Elevate: as much as possible

A good rehabilitation program is important to return to sport/activities.  We focus on mobility/flexibility to ensure full ankle motion, strengthening of the muscles around the foot/ankle complex and supporting musculature (hips, hamstrings, core) as needed, and balance/coordination activities.  Here is one simple activity at home that can address mobility and stability in the ankle…